
Spring Cleaning at the Federal Square. WMSCOG

Worldwide Environmental Campaign against Rubbish and Waste – Cleaned up by 30 Volunteers from WMSCOG.
Wilmersdorf. Last Sunday, equipped with warm jackets, pliers, grippers, brooms and bags, about 30 volunteers fought against garbage and trash around the Federal Square. “Through this campaign, we want to awaken a sense of responsibility for neighborhood and environmental consciousness,” said Julian George of the Evangelical Free Church of God in Wexstraße, which organized the event. This street clean-up campaign took place on this day simultaneously in many other places in Europe, Asia, North America and Oceania, which have been carried out regularly since 2007. Berlin branch of the Church of God does not content with an action once a year. She takes action to clean up the streets and squares every month. Here, the members of this church are not reluctant to remove chewing gum from pavements, put dog waste in plastic bags or even pick up little pieces between shrubs - much to the delight of local residents, who appreciate such activitie

1 comment:

  1. The members of WMSCOG looks happy for helping others~:)
