
Is the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) Zion?

What is the true meaning of "Zion" in the bible ? Without even knowing the meaning and function of "Zion", many people use the biblical word "Zion" 

The Bible prophesies that the last place of salvation is Zion and many people will come to Zion (Micah 4:1; Revelation 14:1.) Therefore, we should know where is Zion to get salvation at this last age.

Zion is the place where God’s festivals are observed (Isaiah 33:20.) God festivals include the Passover and the Sabbath day.

 Some might claim that such feasts are the Law of Moses and they do not need to celebrate them anymore in this age of the New Testament. However, the Bible says that there are two kinds of Laws: the Law of Moses which was made in Mount Sinai and the Law of Christ which was established in Mount Zion. Jesus made the new covenant and established the Spiritual Zion.
However, today no churches except the World Mission Society Church of God) celebrate the New Covenant. What happened to the new covenant established by Jesus 2,000 years ago? The truth of the new covenant disappeared during the Dark Ages. For example, Satan tried to change the Passover since the 2nd century and abolished this feast of life completed by means of the power of the Roman Emperor Constantine at the Counsel of Nicaea in 325 A.D. Since then, no one could celebrate this feast of life and no one except Christ Ahnsahnghong revealed the Passover of the new covenant.

Today, only the World Mission Society Church of God celebrates the feasts of the new covenant including the Passover and the Sabbath. It’s because Christ Ahnsahnghong rebuilt Zion which had been ruined during the Dark Ages through the new covenant according to the prophecy of the Bible (Psalms 10:16.) Read more…


  1. Anonymous9/3/15 04:52

    I am really thanks to Father and Mother allowing me to stay Holy Zion :)

  2. Even though I have seen the word "Zion" several times, I didn't know what it means. Now, I really know. if we want to find "Zion", we should keep the new covenant.

  3. Thanks to Christ Ahnsahnghong who came to this earth according to all the prophecies of the bible and gave us the forgiveness of sin through Your great sacrifice.

  4. I didn't know the word 'zion' had a lot of meaning. But now I have known about Spiritual Zion!
    Wow.. I need to see to get more details.
