
Bergen County Senior Picnic World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG)...


In Sept 17, 2013 Bergen County and the Board of Chosen Freeholders hold a senior picnic for nearly 3,000 senior citizens. The fifty yellow-shirted volunteers from the World Mission Society Church of God went to assist at the event to share the love of God with the people who built today's society through their hard work and sacrifice.

Volunteers[WMSCOG] were responsible for welcoming seniors and staff with uplifting cheers, serving lunches and maintaining park facilities. Church of God members spared no effort to make the seniors feel comfortable, taken care of well and at ease. Senior citizens were extremely pleased with the volunteers, who excitedly took time to converse and get to know them.

"We want the whole world to feel the great love of Heavenly Mother!"


  1. I really hope the whole world to feel the great love of Heavenly Mother,too!

  2. Sharing the love of God is to make ppl warm their heart !!

  3. The volunteer works of WMSCOG is very earnest and touching.
