
UCC-When We Die, Where Do We Go To? and Why Do We Go There?

                                        World Mission Society Church Of God  

When we die,Where do we go to? 
And Where do we come from?

The Holy Bible teaches us that we go to the Kingdom of God, when we die. Cus we come from the kingdom of God.

So The holy bible says "The spirit Returns to God".
"To return" means to go back to where you came from.

we came from heaven before being born in the world.
and go back to heaven, our spiritual hometown when our physical lives die.

Therefore, the apostles taught by Jesus called our physical lives "aliens" and "strangers".
They knew our home country is "heaven".

And then, Why do we live in this world, not living in the heaven with God?
There must be the reason. We have to find it before death.

The Holy Bible says,

Hebrews 11:15 [ If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return.]

Why do we are in this world? and What is the way to go back to our spiritual hometown?

The Answer is in below video.

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