

On Monday, January 20, 2014, about 20 volunteers from the World Mission Society Church of God connected with Jersey Cares to install a playground in an effort to boost the moral of children affected by Superstorm Sandy in the town of Manasquan. The NY/NJ Superbowl Host Committee sponsored the project, choosing Manasquan Elementary School as the beneficiary following the devastation of Superstorm Sandy, which caused more than 100 families in the town of Manasquan to lose their homes. Members from the Central Jersey branch church traveled early in the morning to begin the assembly of the playground with the guidance of Heather O’Loughlin, Jersey Cares Director of Corporate Services.

Church of God volunteers wasted no time, beginning with the construction of three separate playground attractions upon arrival at 9 a.m. Monday morning. These attractions included a musical structure, a gadget structure, and a toss and score structure. Church of God volunteers worked relentlessly to dig holes and mix cement for the installment of the playground attractions. Though it was a tough job, the volunteers worked in unity with light hearts and smiles, knowing the difference their efforts would make for the children of Manasquan Elementary School. Children watched in excitement from their classroom windows seeing their playground be transformed before their very eyes.

“The unity was amazing, the give back from the community was amazing, and everyone here was such a great worker, I’d take them on any site I ever work again.” said John DonVito, a volunteer leader from Jersey Cares. “It was a real pleasure and everyone worked so great together, you didn’t have to ask anyone twice to help.”

-The world mission society church of God [WMSCOG] by Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother

1 comment:

  1. The unity of the members of WMSCOG is always amazing!!
