
World Mission Society Church of God _ When love is worth in blood


About 80 members of the Church of God from Panjim, Goa, carried out a blood donation drive at Blood Bank, Goa Medical College hospital, Bambolim, recently.
The inspiration behind this altruistic gesture is a global religious group, the World Mission Society Church of God (Pastor Kin Joo-Cheol). The group carries out volunteer service activities on a large scale around the world beyond borders, races and religions in commemoration of the Day of New Jerusalem 2012.
The Church of God stated the purpose of the global activity of sharing love, saying, "We are going to deliver the love of Mother who grants salvation to humankind and the news Salvation in commemoration of the Day of New Jerusalem."
This volunteer activity is being carried out for all people around the world who need help. Considering special characteristics of a country or a religion, and according to the request and necessity of the relevant local government and local residents, the Church of God has been doing many activities in various fields like blood donation drive, sharing food, helping neighbors in need, including senior citizens living alone, consolatory visits to public offices and so on as well as cleanliness drives. Among the many voluntary service activities, the Panjim branch of the Church of God(WMC) has carried out the blood donation drive under the motto "147th Worldwide Blood Drive to Give Life through the Love of the Passover".
"We, the members of the Church of God have decided to hold the "Blood Drive" to enlighten people on the sanctity of human life and to share Mother's love with our neighbors suffering from diseases," said Paul Choi, the Manager of Panjim branch of WMC.
"In today's world which is full of disaster, we the members of the Church of God want to bring smiles on people's faces. Through this blood drive, we want to freely give love of God without looking at religion or caste and convey mother's great love to the whole world." said Threza Gabriel, a young member of WMC.
In this event many staffers including professor & Head of Ophthalmology Department Dr. Pradeep Naik and Head of Pathology Department Dr. Wiseman Pinto took part. They complimented the good deeds of the Church of God members and citizens who take the lead for promoting local development and expressed their gratitude.
Dr. Wiseman Pinto said, "Today, we face an acute shortage of blood, the reason being that blood cannot be manufactured in a laboratory or a factory. The only source of blood is a human being. Therefore, we need healthy human donors who would like to volunteer themselves for this noble cause. We, wholeheartedly thank the World Mission Society, Church of God, for their continued support in this noble cause to save mankind", he said.
This organization had conducted a similar camp in July last year. As it is known already, the Church of God believes the existence of God the Mother as well as God the Father on the basis of the Bible. Currently there are 2,200 churches in 150 countries and the member of registered remembers is about 1,75 million.

1 comment:

  1. That word makes me hot
    Blood cannot be manufactured in a laboratory or a factory
    The only source of blood is humam being
    Who is the source of Love?
    From human being?
    From God!!
