
Do you know the time of Jesus 'second coming? (Secret of the Fig Tree)

Christ Ahnsahnghong &World Mission Society  Church of God

What will be the sign of Jesus 'second coming and of the end of the age?
Actually the parable of the Fig Tree is let us know about that point!! [Matthew 24:3]

Then what is the Fig Tree likened to?
The Fig Tree refers to Israel where Jesus looked for fruit for three years [Luke 13:7]

Through the parable of the Fig Tree, Jesus let us know the destruction of  Israel and its independence and the time of Jesus 'second coming.

According to the prophecy "Cut it down the Fig Tree," [Luke 21:20]
 Israel was destroyed by Rome in A.D.70 

"They will be taken as prisoners to all the nations....."[Luke 21:24]

Since then,  Israel has wandered throughout the world for about 1,900 years.
And according to the prophecy that the Fig Tree would revive, Israel regained her independence.
The independence of  Israel was a flare that proclaimed Israel  Christ,s coming  to the earth again.

"Now learn this lesson from the Fig Tree ."
"As soon as its twigs get tender  and its leaves come out , you know that summer is near"
"Even so, when you see all these things ."
'You know that it {He] is near right at the door" [Mattew 24:32-33]

 According to the prophecy of the Fig Tree,the second coming Christ Ahnsahnghong preach the gospel of the kingdom since 1948 when  Israel  proclaimed he independence.

Therefore,Christ Ahnsahnghong is the second coming Christ who is the testified in the Bible.
Let us believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong and receive Him and be saved.

-The world mission society church of God [WMSCOG] by Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother

1 comment:

  1. The second coming Christ has already come in 1948!!!
    All the world should pay attention to this big joyful news in awe.
