
Relative Heresy & Absolute Heresy

Do you distinguish Heresy from True Church?
If yes, how do you distinguish them?
How long traditional dose the church have?
How much influence does the church have?
How many believers does the church have?
Or, Do the leaders have a good scholar?
Most of people, even Christians do judge the truth through the examples above. 
From these measures, we can not discern truth from falsehood.
Please watch the below movie.

 Relative Heresy means a heresy judged by the dogma of a denomination.
Sometimes, the true church is branded as heretical by the relative standards of men, not by the absolute standard of bible.
The representative example is the belief of the early church, which was branded as heresy.

 Judaists didn't believe in Christ who cam in the flesh.
Moreover, they denounced the belief of the early church as heresy.
However, the early church absolutely true church in God's point of view.

 Then, what is the Absolute Heresy?
"Heresy don't teach the words of God, but made up stories(doctrines), and they will be finally destroyed." (2 Peter 2:1)
 We can discern absolute heresies that the bible defines, by checking if they are of the new covenant established by Jesus, or if they are of man-made doctrines.

 1. The church that keeps Sunday Services, a man-made doctrine, is heretical.
The commandment of God is the Sabbath day.(Ex 20:8)
 2. The church, which does not keep the Passover, is heretical.
God command to us keeping the Passover.(Ex 12:12~13, Mt26:19)
 3. The church, which celebrates Christmas on Dec.25 that is heretical.
Christmas is not the command of God but the worship day of Sun God.
 4. The church, which set up the cross, is heretical.
God command to us that we should not set up an idol.(Ex 20:4~5)
The Cross is an idol.

 We can distinguish true or heresy through the bible.

 Then, which church follows these teachings of the bible?
WMSCOG only keep the commandments of God.
Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the mother established WMSCOG and taught us the commandments of God.
Don't be deceived by rumors of defamers.
If you find the true church, you must go to WMSCOG.


  1. Man made story : Sunday worship, Christmas.. - cannot be saved!!

  2. By the relative standards of men, Jesus was treated as falsehood by many people in the past but he is truth.
    What the World mission society Church of God keeps and preaches is the teachings of Jesus. Even though some people makes rumors and treat like a cult, they are all false.
