
“YELLOW-SHIRT” Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother

On November 8th, the World Mission Society Church of God joined hands with the Trenton Half-Marathon and 10k Expo to stir up excitement in anticipation of the run the upcoming Saturday. To encourage the runners and deliver support for the charitable causes at the Expo, the energized volunteers drove through the state starting as far North as Ridgewood in Bergen County. Upon arrival, nearly three dozen Church of God members geared up to cheer on runners and participants for the next seven hours.

Volunteers greeted approximately 2,000 runners and vendors walking through the doors of the Lafayette Yard and Hotel with a cadence of hope and victory before the run. Church photographers took pictures with runners and venders to serve as a memento of the day, they bagged bibs and goods for takeaways, and left everyone with a smile.

This is the second event in the last month at which East Coast branches of the Church of God gathered to assist community organizations in Trenton. Their support and effort did not go unnoticed. Chris Seiler, President of Always Advancing and Boss Events, said about the church: “It would have been impossible for this event to be as successful as it was today. The cheers and spirit you have brought have gotten everyone ready for the run and we are so excited. Thank you so much for coming out here today! You were really needed.”

The Church plans to continue such good deeds and lighting up smiles where ever they go.

-The world mission society church of God [WMSCOG] by Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother


  1. The world mission society church of God is really needed in the society!

  2. Anonymous15/1/14 02:13

    Nowdays we always hear a lot of bad and terrible news from the world
    Whenever hear those news feel angery and upset
    But now here we hear really worm and joyful news from the World Mission Society Church of God
    Appricated about your good acts
