

The power of love is great. In particular, the stories about parents who sacrificed themselves to save their children move many people, transcending ages and regions.

Great Earthquake in Sichuan, China, on May 12, 2008 

During the rescue operation at a collapsed house in Beichuan, Sichuan, China, rescuers found a dead woman who was lying with her baby in her arms.
It looked like she had made a desperate effort to save her baby, blocking the falling house with her whole body. The baby was breathing comfortably in her arms. The rescuers discovered a cell phone in the baby's blanket while transporting the baby to a hospital.
A short message was left on her cell phone as follows: "My precious daughter, if you survive, please remember that your mom loved you." Looking at this message, everybody burst into tears. The great love of the mother, who sacrificed herself, saved her child

How could we explain the great love of our heavenly mother's sacrifice?
How could we thank to her about her love?
We love you Heavenly Mother, thanks you are our Mother

1 comment:

  1. I can't fathom the love and sacrifice of Heavenly Mother. Today, too, I can live through Her earnest prayers and sacrifice.
